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Escola d'Hostaleria i Turisme Jesuïtes Sarrià - Sant Ignasi

Jordi Ollé Rigol
Director of Vocational and Higher Education programmes

It is a pleasure to share with you a new collaboration between Escola d'Hostaleria i Turisme Jesuïtes Sarrià - Sant Ignasi and the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools.

Our school of hospitality and tourism has been part of AEHT for more than 20 years, in which we actively participate in various international activities such as Encounters between European member schools, multidisciplinary competitions and Christmas in Europeeventsin which we have been organizers twice, the last one in 2019 received a prestigious recognition by the Erasmus Agency.

On this occasion, Gisel·la Esteve, former student of our school and currently Photographer and Videographer at, has done content creation work for AEHT recording 3 of the 4 hospitality events that took place in 2019 and editing the 4 videos to unify style and to produce a joint summary video. Undoubtedly an excellent job that shows the professionalism and involvement in the projects carried out by her. Our most sincere congratulations for all the work done and our best wishes for a successful and prosperous future. 

We share with all of you the moment in which Gisel-la receivedd a gift for this collaboration with the AEHT, from Mr. Josep Maria Ramón, General Director of Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi and Mr. Jordi Ollé, Director of Vocational and Higher Education programmes in our school and National Representative of the Association for Spain (see picture at top of page).


Gisel·la Esteve Rodríguez

Photographer and Videographer

Former student of Escola d'Hostaleria i Turisme Jesuïtes Sarrià and 

co-producer of the AEHT presentation videos 2020

interviewed by Nadine Schintgen – AEHT General Secretary
  1. Could you please introduce yourself shortly to our readers? At the time you were producing the videos for our association where were you studying and in which field of studies? What were the main impulse and motivation/reason to enrol in these studies?

My name is Gisella and I am a photographer and filmmaker based in Barcelona. I've been telling my stories in photography since I was 15, when I got my first camera, and I've been doing it ever since.

At the time I was producing the videos for AEHT, I was studying an HNC in Professional Enlightenment, Image Capture and Processing at the Jesuites Sarrià in Barcelona. I decided to study this degree in order to become more professional in the audio-visual domain.

  1. How has working on a concrete practical project enriched your studies and contributed to improving and acquiring new skills/key competences?

Working abroad with the AEHT gave me a great opportunity to get to know people from different parts of Europe, to network and to get people's views on topics addressed at the conferences.

  1. What was the added value for you in working in an international context with people from all over Europe?

Working in an international context with people from all over Europe introduces you to different cultures, ways of thinking and points of view very useful in the creation of videos.

  1. What was the main difficulty in producing the videos? What are the fondest/best memories of this experience?

The main challenge in producing the videos was to choose the right interviews to inform people about the subject of each video and to create a homogeneous aesthetic for all outcomes. 

  1. From what I understood, you are now working as a freelance photographer and videographer. How did the AEHT experience prepare you for your professional career?Did participating in this experience affect your professional and/or private life as well as your personality? Did this experience open up new horizons for you? Did it encourage you to continue your training abroad/to set up your own business/become independent? What are your future professional plans?

The AEHT assignments allowed me to improve my network, to discover a different field of work (hospitality / education), to gain experiences of working abroad and to get to know people from different parts of Europe as well as their views on different topics discussed at the events. Working for the AEHT has given me new perspectives and knowledge about the hospitality industry and other topics such as the sustainability of the area discussed at the Youth Parliament in London. This has given me a solid portfolio to continue working in the hospitality industry.

I always thought that learning other languages could open up new opportunities and it has, thanks to St Ignasi and the AEHT community.

My future plans are now to take a new course at the best cinema school in my area called ESCAC - Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales, in order to improve myself professionally and to learn about the world of series and cinema. However, I will continue to work as a freelancer in the music industry without neglecting opportunities offered by weddings, the hospitality sector and others.

  1. In your view what are the most important qualities required of a photographer and videographer? What advice would you give toyoung aspiring photographer and videographer?

I think the most important qualities required of a photographer and videographer are to be responsible and observant of everything that is happening around you on a daily basis, and at work you have to make sure that you don't miss any details.

The advice I would give you is that you watch as much content as possible (movies, series, social media) to get inspired and learn new techniques.

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