AC 2023
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AC 2023
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No doubt about it – throughout Christmas in Europe it was a case of ‘all hands on deck’ for the students of the Semmering school. Right from the first evening and even before all the participants had arrived, the restaurant service teachers briefed their troops to ensure the very best service.

House-keeping announcements

The same evening, before dinner, Anna Posch – the director’s right-hand woman – took the microphone to say a few words of welcome to the school’s guests and to make some house-keeping announcements to ensure that everything went off smoothly for all concerned!

Train line made of chocolate

A model of the famous viaducts on the Semmering railway line, classed as world heritage by UNESCO, was made by the school's pastry teacher, Günter Prentrup. It was a chocolate design based on an idea by Anna Posch. And it even came with its own train – which is here being assembled and adjusted!

Hive of activity

A common sight at Christmas in Europe – the delegations are busy erecting and decorating the stand they have been allocated. A real hive of activity for a whole morning and a truly unique atmosphere.


As we all know, without the help of the sponsors such an event could never happen. And each organising school finds an original way of displaying the sponsors’ company name. A large board at the entrance fulfilled this purpose.


In addition to their professional talents, certain students at the Semmering school are also gifted musical instrument players. This enabled the school to form an orchestra which performed on several occasions – such as at the official opening of the exhibition.


The "Zauberbar" at the foot of the ski-slopes, a great favourite with the resort's night-owls, and what's more a sponsor of the event, was also called upon to provide a watering hole for the Christmas in Europe participants. Jürgen Kürner and Eduard Aberham were among the first to join the fun!


One accordion at an event quickly lends it a warm atmosphere; when you have two accordions together it becomes magical. The two students – one from the Bled school, the other from Maribor, combined their talents to improvise a beautifully executed concert!

Guided tour of the school

The Semmering school is a fine institution; Anna Posch showed round a handful of teachers who were eager to compare it with their own. Here they are in the director’s office where the atmosphere is obviously relaxed. For the record, there were six classes in the school when it was set up 24 years ago - and today there are 16 classes, and enlargement is very much on the cards.

The youngest visitor

The exhibition was a great success – it was said there were at least 2000 visitors. This one was probably the youngest of them all!

The AEHT in … glasses

It was quite an original idea to draw the letters AEHT using wine glasses for the apéritif which came before the gala dinner. And whose idea was it? It came from Andreas Stubler and Otto Frigyesi, two of the school’s teachers!


On their arrival every Christmas in Europe participant – including the President and the Vice-president - was given a cap bearing the words ‘Christmas in Europe- Semmering 2007’. They wore their caps and a broad smile just long enough to have their photo taken – here it is!


One of the sponsors – and among the most important ones – the ‘Domäne Wachau’ winery, had the excellent idea of offering a tasting of some of his products. A great success! The wines compared very favourably with others, and were liberally served during the meals, especially those at the BLT.
3rd to 5th December 2018 in Riga
3rd to 5th December 2017 in Fátima
5th to 7th December 2018 in San Benedetto
2nd to 5th December 2015 in Diekirch

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