AC 2023
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AC 2023
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The speaker Robert Bosma delivered his captivating lecture on the subject of ‘Mind your guest’ to a highly receptive audience. The word ‘WELCOME’ appeared in large letters on the screen, and using this one word Robert Bosma developed with passion the notion of welcoming the client, what this implies, and with what language, starting with body language, can a client feel welcome or otherwise. Facial expression, tone of voice, gestures – everything carries a message to the client, who then gives their first impressions a positive or negative interpretation.

Robert Bosma in the midst of explaining the meaning of welcoming a client and especially how important it is.Robert Bosma in the midst of explaining the meaning of welcoming a client and especially how important it is.Marcus Hallgren and Robert Bosma pleased about the enthusiasm of students for their masterclassesMarcus Hallgren and Robert Bosma pleased about the enthusiasm of students for their masterclasses


In the centre of Leeuwarden, looking at the exterior of the Neushoorn you would never guess that this cultural and musical centre is enormous and is particularly suitable for an evening outing when more than 500 people rock up at once. This is what happened on the evening of Thursday November 15th when the Friesland College teams organised a ‘food market’ – that is to say a multitude of stands on which the participants found oodles of dishes to savour and taste! And of course, since the building was a dance hall, it was a foregone conclusion that the evening would be considerably extended far into the night for some of the boys and girls!

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