AC 2023
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AC 2023
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One of the most important (if not THE most important) aspects of the Annual Conference is the series of competitions which are open to the students. It is one of their objectives, and taking part in them is already a test in itself. Despite a set of carefully written guidelines drawn up by a specially appointed competitions committee, every year there are protests about one aspect or another of the contests, or about contestants infringing the regulations. The various judges try their very best to overcome these difficulties, and the success of their hard work was emphatically commended at this year’s closing ceremony.

The programme included eight competitions: pastry, tourism, culinary arts, bar, restaurant service, rooms division, front office and management. The various colleagues in charge of the contests had their work cut out at the well-attended briefing sessions where they gave their final instructions.  On the whole, and according to many of the judges, the contests ran well, though there were occasional cases of failure to understand the instructions. Nevertheless we should note that four students were excluded form the competitions because they did not meet the required criteria. An obvious lesson here for future competitions!

As for the competitions themselves, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, you could say! And as space allowed, the public was able to follow the progress of competitions ‘live’.


Some of the briefing meetings:

Some of the competitions:

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