AC 2023
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AC 2023
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Dr Fahri Isik delivers his lecture on the subject ‘Hector is dead …’

The internationally renowned archaeologist Dr Fahri Isik took his doctorate in Bonn University in 1973 and since then has been collecting titles and honours. Because of this reputation he had been asked to deliver a lecturer on the subject of the History of the City of Troy, and in particular the story of Hector and Achilles. Basing himself on his archaeological experience and on the legends contained in 15,000 lines of poetry Dr Fahri Isik approached with amazing precision this period of history which is much written about these days. Unfortunately the public seemed not too interested and the hall seemed rather empty. It was a shame for this speaker who had gone to much trouble to gain the interest of his small audience. It is true that the call of the sun and the beach were stronger than the combined strength of Hector and Achilles …

Leonardo da Vinci Project « Pro Terris »

This Leonardo da Vinci project entitled Pro Terris was presented by Fiorella Casciato, a teacher at the IPSSAR Pellegrino Artusi in Rome. The project is aimed at professionals as a means of raising the profile of home-grown produce. It was launched in 2003 following the European Summits in Lisbon (March 2003) and in Barcelona (March 2002) and the Copenhagen Declaration (November 2002) and lasted two years from 2003 to 2005, bringing together six countries: Italy, France, Ireland, Hungary, Greece and an observer member, Switzerland.
Many associations and training and teaching establishments have associated themselves with this project which will eventually give rise to a technical qualification in the area of raising the profile of home-grown produce; the qualification will consist of five parts and will be overseen by George Asseraf, an inspector with the French ministry of education who is in charge of the project entitled ‘durable professionalisation’.

Fiorella Casciato has also taken pains to produce not only a CDROM containing the content of the project, but also a trainer’s guide and a training sequence which can be accessed on line ( as well as documentation for the intended public who will use the results of this project, especially teachers working in vocational education, trainers in the specified sectors, professional associations, employee and employer organisations and local organisations. The speaker also made a point of thanking the Lycée Alexandre Dumas in Illkirch for its collaboration.

"Virtex " Project ( Virtual training environments)

It was the task of Martha Hubbard, an English teacher at the Ametikol in Kuressaare, Estonia to present this new concept. From the start 15 teachers from eight countries worked on the project, three of them from AEHT member schools: Kuressaare, Bad Leonfelden and Podebrady.
The objective is to create training CD-ROMS intended for students. The project is based on a concept which was developed by Horizon College in The Netherlands, an adult training institution with 18,000 students. The concept was adopted by half of the 44 ‘regional colleges’ in the country. Following the success of the initial concept, the promoters wished to extend the idea to foreign language training. At last the first official meeting of the Virtex project took place in Alkmaar in January 2005. The objective of the project is to enable students to learn English and/or German while at work through digitized training modules contained on the CD. These CDs contain video clips (interviews with hotel and restaurant managers etc) which are linked to exercises for the students who have to understand and respond to different situations – authentic situations in restaurants and kitchens, role-plays, advice from teachers, cookery demonstrations, interviews with students and teachers. These products will be tested in partner schools and, according to Martha Hubbard, should be ready by 2007 – materials ‘about students, for the students and by students’.

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